Alcoholism Information
Alcoholism Information
Alcoholism Information is widely available. You can find it online, from your doctor or by visiting your local library or bookstore. Learning about alcoholism can help you understand the ravages of the disease.
Alcoholism is a disease that is chronic and progressive. Over time it grows worse and can eventually end in death. When you or someone that you love is addicted to alcohol it is important to learn about the disease. This can help you understand the possible causes and symptoms. It can put those who are looking for treatment options on the forefront of the medical research.
There is no magic pill that will cure alcoholism addition. Overcoming the disease is hard work. A threefold approach seems to show the highest amount of positive outcomes. This approach includes combining medication with cognitive behavioral therapy and regular attendance at a 12-step support group.
It is suggested that abuse and alcoholism are not the same thing. Alcohol abuse is a pattern of behavior that includes excessive drinking that is destructive but leaves the alcohol abuser able to stop the behavior at a certain point. Alcoholism on the other hand is a chronic progressive disease that does not leave the alcoholic able to stop. The person who is addicted to alcohol both physically and emotionally. All control of the drinking situation is beyond his or her control.
When learning about alcoholism it is important to remember that it is a disease and not a moral failing. There are factors, such as genetics, which cannot be controlled by the individual.
Students on college campuses will do well to research alcoholism. Abuse on college campuses is rampant. Many students find themselves well on the way to addiction after attending college because the problem of alcohol there is so abundant.
There are different subtypes of alcoholics. These are being revealed through clinical research.
Young adult subtype
These drinkers are young adults in their mid-twenties. They may have a genetic component to alcoholism and have low instances of other substance abuse. This subtype will rarely seek help.
Young antisocial subtype
Over half have a genetic component. They may also have a psychiatric disorder. Drinking often begins in the middle twenties. More than a third in this group will seek help.
Functional Subtype
This type of alcoholic tends to have a high level of education. They often have a history of family alcoholism. Most in this category is middle aged and able to hold jobs.
Intermediate familial subtype
These are usually people who are middle aged. Half come from families with a genetic component. Psychiatric issues of depression, anxiety and bi-polar are common. Most have smoked cigarettes or marijuana. Only one-fourth will seek help
Chronic severe subtype
This is the type of alcoholic most commonly seen in treatment. Usually in middle age these alcoholics often exhibit anti-social personality disorder and often there are criminal tendencies. They have high rates of psychological and psychiatric disorders. About two-thirds in this group will ask for help.